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James H Anderson


I grew up on a small ranch in Southeast Georgia at a time when things were very stable. The methods my father used to make a living during the depression years were very similar to those his own father used a generation earlier. That was a time with an atmosphere of isolation and loneliness, where customs and traditions determined a person's way of life, where proven ideas were discarded but only with reluctance and new ideas were accepted with even greater reluctance; That was a comfortable time for a teenager because time seemed to have passed. detained and family ties were very close. Despite the placid atmosphere and the fact that changes occurred very slowly, it was a time when there was no moment of rest as men tried to rescue themselves from the depths of depression. With this concern, people began to move from the countryside to the cities and technology began to take cutting-edge positions. Thus, in less than a decade, the nation shook off the depression, engaged in a world war, and began an agricultural revolution that is now the envy of the world. We currently live in a world where events occur with tremendous speed and we will never be able to return to those "good old days" because they are gone forever and return only occasionally in our dreams. In today's world the only thing that is certain is the certainty of change every time we take a look into the future.

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