The Journal ‘Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana’ (RFM) was founded in 1971 by the MEXICAN SOCIETY OF PLANT GENETICS, A. C. (SOMEFI, A.C.), to promote the dissemination of research results in plant biological sciences focused on agricultural production, genetic improvement, physiology, food quality and other related areas, by publishing scientific papers totally original and unpublished.

An original scientific document is the result of the author’s creativity, and provides valuable, verifiable and novel information. An unpublished scientific document is the one that contains information that has not been published in another journal or book, except as a summary of a congress or thesis of one of the authors, and has not been simultaneously sent to another journal or publishing house for publication.

These documents can be of three types: Scientific Article, Scientific Note and Description of New Varieties, whose specific rules are described below. Based on the opinion of the Editorial Committee, Review Articles and Scientific Essays may also be accepted.



Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana will publish, after peer-reviewing and editing, manuscripts in which results of original research focused on plants or associated organisms are presented, and have not been published or are in the process of doing so in another national or international Journal. All published manuscripts, without exception, must be approved by the reviewers and editors assigned by the Journal, through a process of double-blind peer arbitration, that is, without identifying the authors nor the reviewers.

The Mexican Society of Plant Genetics, the institution that created and sponsors Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana, will charge a fee for receiving each manuscript submitted and another fee for publication rights of each manuscript approved. The current fees are specified in the website of the Journal (

Articles will be published either in Spanish or English, and may cover areas related to plant breeding, genetic resources, genetics, cytology, evolution, plant physiology, postharvest physiology, food quality, production systems, physio technology, extension, seed production, agricultural biotechnology and other areas related to agricultural science, covering fruit, ornamental, vegetables and pastures, as well as staple and industrial crops. Articles dealing with forestry, statistics, and other disciplines can be accepted, as long as they are related to the areas of interest of the Mexican Society of Plant Genetics and the Editorial Committee of the Journal.

Results from experimental research that are presented in the form of articles should be of regional, national or international importance, and be supported with information obtained by verifiable and valid scientific procedures.

Articles that do not comply with the present guidelines will not be accepted. Exceptions to it are the prerogative of the Editorial Committee, since the quality of Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana and of the articles published in it is a shared responsibility of the authors and the Editorial Committee. The previous point is described in depth in the Code of Ethics of the journal which is located in its website (


Articles submitted to the Journal must be accompanied of a cover letter in which originality of the content is declared, and the relevant aspects of the manuscript and its contribution to knowledge are highlighted. Such letter must contain the names and autograph signatures of each author, expressing their conformity with the content and with the editorial procedures of the Journal. In order for a manuscript to be submitted to the editorial process, authors should also propose six specialists on the subject with whom they have no conflict of interest, providing their full names, academic degrees, current affiliation and current email.

For each manuscript, the Journal will respect the initial order of the authors and their affiliation institutions. To modify that order or to add or remove authors it is essential that the change is requested in writing to the Editor in Chief of the Journal, with the autograph signature of each of the authors initially registered, as well as the signatures of those that are added, along with a brief justification of the change.