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Joaquín Ortíz-Cereceres


Firstly, I want to thank the organizers of this Forum for the distinction they have given me by inviting me to participate as a speaker in it. I consider that due to the enormous importance of the topic, this event is of great importance for us as professors and researchers, for our institutions and for the country. I am sure that the discussions we will hold now and in the coming days will allow us to reach recommendations that show us the way to where we should direct our efforts as agricultural researchers. Of course, participating in the same discussion table where the illustrious and outstanding teachers José Luis de la Loma and Ramón Fernández y Fernández are located is a true honor and also a great responsibility. I will discuss in my intervention, although without going into much detail given the limitation of time, to provide some additional information to that which has been provided in this table that allows us to have a more complete vision of the background of agricultural research in our country, also pointing out some of its limitations, as well as some suggestions on the conceptualization and bases that we must take into account in the investigation.

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