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Jorge A. Osuna-García
Ma. Hilda Pérez-Barraza
Víctor Va´zquez-Valdivia
Rafael Gómez-Jaimez


Mexican yellow plum (Spondias purpurea L.) is a highly perishable fruit which is mainly sold mostly as a fresh fruit in regional markets. Because of its short shelf life of only 1 to 3 d at ambient temperature and the lack of refrigeration for postharvest store, ca. 40 % of the production is lost. In this study the effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on shelf life and quality of Mexican plum yellow phenotype stored under market simulation was evaluated. Ripe and ¾ ripe fruits were collected from a commercial orchard located in El Venado, Ruiz County, Nayarit State, México. Fruits were washed with tap water, dried, and selected for healthy and uniformity according to size and color, removing unhealthy and damaged fruits. 1-MCP was applied at 100, 200 or 300 nL L-1 for 12 h at ambient temperature inside sealed experimental chambers of 0.512 m3, keeping an untreated control. After the 1-MCP application, fruits were stored simulating market conditions (22 ± 2 °C; 70 ± 10 % RH) up to 9 d. Th e variables measured in the fruits were: respiration rate, weight loss, external color, firmness and total soluble solids. 1-MCP at rates of 100, 200 or 300 nL L-1 were able to extend shelf life and to maintain the quality of Mexican plum yellow phenotype fruits up to 3 additional days compared to the control, thus achieving 9 and 7 d of shelf life for ripe and ¾ ripe fruits, respectively. 1-MCP decreased the respiration rate and the weight loss of ripe fruits, but not in ¾ ripe fruits. 1-MCP delayed also the development of external color and maintained fruit firmness, without affecting its total soluble solids content.

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